The dollar has been weakening against several major currencies. Soft currency: Currency that is subject to sharp fluctuations in value. 相对于几种货币而言,美元一直处于疲软的状态。软币,软通货:币值变化较大的货币。
Almost no analysts expect China will let the yuan go soft, but is it possible to the currency and the dollar in a fixed level, as in2008 after the financial crisis do. 几乎没有分析人士预计中国将让人民币走软,而是可能重新将人民币与美元挂钩在一个固定的水平,就像2008年金融危机后的做法一样。
Money of the Cultural Philosophy and Its Present-day Significance& A Review about the Philosophy of Money of Georg Simmel; Soft currency: Currency that is subject to sharp fluctuations in value. 文化哲学视野中的货币及其现代意义&西美尔货币哲学述评软币,软通货:币值变化较大的货币。